Hilfswerk International in Tajikistan
The representative office of Hilfswerk International is an Austrian non-profit charitable organization promoting international cooperation. Operating in Tajikistan since 2001, it has been implementing projects and programs for agricultural development and providing support of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Furthermore, it focusses on projects in the social sector and other priority areas of social and economic development.
The name Hilfswerk is of German origin. It is composed of the word “Hilfe”, meaning “help”, and of the word “Werk”, meaning “work”.
Hilfswerk International is a dependency of Hilfswerk Austria.
News and events
Hilfswerk in the GEO-Conference EGU24
In April 2024, Hilfswerk presented its role as project implementor in Central Asia.
Watch here the presentation on our YouTube-Channel.
- film on YouTube
- abstract at ResearchGate
- abstract at EGU 2024
The first scientific article of Hilfswerk!
We are happy to announce that we published our first scientific article at the Osh State University, Osh, Kyrgyzstan.
It outlines our activities over the last 15 years within the projects AgroDev, HECAFS and CANDY I-V.
- article at ResearchGate
- article in the Journal of Osh State University
News of CANDY V
Find the latest news on the websites of
- Central Asia Invest
- the CAWG (Central Asian Working Group)
The network of CANDY CA in Central Asia and the projects of CANDY I-V are presented below and in our project sections.
Upcoming meetings
Check all our films in the video gallery and on our YouTube-Channel in the playlists.

CANDY CA network in Central Asia
(Click the logos to visit our partners.)
Since 2008, Hilfswerk International enables support, promotion and economic development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) processing fruit and vegetables, dried fruit, nuts and honey within the framework of the project series named CANDY (Central Asian Nuts, Dried Fruit and HoneY processing SMEs). After three successful projects (CANDY I-III, 2008-2015), the project CANDY IV (2017-2019) focused on specialized and comprehensive services for export-oriented SMEs. Since the beginning of 2020, we continue with the project CANDY V. All projects are funded by the European Union within the framework of the program “Central Asia Invest”.
(Click the logos to visit our associated web pages.)